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Once around the block - 230 miles

Subject: Once around the block - 230 miles
From: "Frank & Sandy Crowe" <>
Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2001 05:11:08 -0000 FILETIME=[EC4E75C0:01C0F234]
The weather was so nice this morning, my wife and I decided to get out the 
TR3 and go over to Ojai ("Oh hi" for those not familiar with So. Cal.) in 
Ventura County for breakfast.  Well, the weather was so nice after 
breakfast; we headed up Highway 33 (the road with all corners.)  - and we 
just kept going.  Over the 5000' Pine Mt. summit, down into Kern County, 
then west towards the coast. We drove all the way around the 2000 square 
mile San Rafael and Dick Smith Wilderness Areas and Condor Sanctuary.    
This area constitutes about 2/3 of Santa Barbara County.   There are no 
short cuts on this block - there are no roads through the area.  230 miles 
is the shortest route around it.   Believe me, it is a rather long trip for 
just going around the block!  Second time we have done this too.

Had a great time.

Frank, Carpinteria CA (suburbs of Santa Barbara)
  '59 TR3A  TS55223L
  '54 Doretti  (20th built)


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