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Today I drove my Triumph...

To: Triumph Newsgroup <>
Subject: Today I drove my Triumph...
From: Justin <>
Date: Sat, 09 Jun 2001 18:20:58 -0700
Okay, a little non-tech here.  I just took a nice drive in the local
mountains and brought along my digital camera... and I thought I'd share
the day...

I will say, it's the first time that I've really gotten up in the
mountains since switching the TR 4A to an O.D. with a 4.1:1 rear end...
oh wow...  how nice.... 3rd gear w/o O.D. practically handled the whole
drive up...  2nd gear w/O.D. kept me legal in parts on the way down...
I don't recall using my brakes at all!

ummm.... in case you're wondering... it was a Highwy Patrol crack-down
day... on the way up, I counted 4 highway patrol cars, 3 CHP
motorcycles, 1 sherrif's car, 2 ranger police cars...  and 3 people
getting tickets... ouch....   (Highway 2, on a saturday, is heavy with
motorcylists and joy riders, so they decided to make a big push
today...)  So... yes... I had to keep my speeds down.  Nevertheless,
with an open cockpit... it was quite nice.

Hope you enjoy the pic.

--Justin Wagner

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