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RE: Just like teenagers (NON LBC)

To: "'David Massey'" <>, "Michael D. Porter" <>
Subject: RE: Just like teenagers (NON LBC)
From: Jim Hill <>
Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2001 16:50:38 -0500
Cc: John Macartney <>, Triumph List <>, "[unknown]" <>
Dave Massey wrote:

>Didn't [John Hartford] run a steamboat on the upper Mississippi as an
excursion boat?

Indeed. John was a licensed steamboat pilot . . . as well as a disc jockey,
studio musician, songwriter, folk/country/bluegrass singer, TV personality,
amateur historian and four-time Grammy winner.

As far as I know, he wasn't a Triumph driver, but certainly provided some
pleasant tunes to listen to on the highway.

Jim Hill

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