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Re: Hayward ABFM (not a Cobra, X-files TR4 day)

To: "Steven Newell" <>, "Triumph" <>
Subject: Re: Hayward ABFM (not a Cobra, X-files TR4 day)
From: TeriAnn Wakeman <>
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 01 19:07:00 -0700
>TeriAnn Wakeman wrote:
>> Hows the 289 Cobra rebuild coming?  I see messages asking about parts
>> every once and a while but not heard a project status update in a LONG
>> time.  I really would like to see your snake back on the road.
>While on a gelato run a 1/2 hour ago, a teenager in front of the local high
>school shouted "nice Cobra." I fear for our future. OTOH I'll sell the TR4 to
>anyone willing to pay a real Cobra price. <g>

My TR3A got called a Lotus not long ago.

Seems the only people who know what a Triumph is is the dad telling his 
kids that Grandpa had one of those once.

TeriAnn Wakeman               Marigold Ltd.
Santa Cruz, California        Web design, site updating, testing      search engine optimization, graphics
                              and more

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