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FW: Dash Blanks Clarification

To: "Triumph List" <>, "Spitfire List" <>
Subject: FW: Dash Blanks Clarification
From: "Sean Twigg" <>
Date: Mon, 4 Jun 2001 13:30:29 -0400
-----Original Message-----
From: S Twigg []
Sent: Monday, June 04, 2001 1:19 PM
Subject: RE: Dash Blanks


Sorry if you perceived this as bashing. Looking at my original post it does
seem a bit abrupt but  I just wanted to let everyone know that you had
another auction available and they could try that.  I'm also happy that I'm
getting a great deal and I have read only good things on the list, from Paul
Tegler and others, about your work.
There have been threads on the Spitfire and Triumph lists before that
discussed how people pay much more on e-bay that they would if they did a
bit of research and found retailers and their offerings.  I'm happy, for
you, that the top bid is so high and that this hopefully helps generate more
business for you.

If you would like, I'll post this response to the Triumph and Spitfire

Let me know and, again, my apologies for any confusion.


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