>My problem is, I don't know what is supposed to support this piece at the
>back. Who can enlighten me? Right now I've got a small child from the
>neighborhood holding it in place for 50 cents an hour, but he's getting
>Martin Secrest
>72 TR6
>73 GT6
Save your money & use a single small screw at the bottom rear end of
this trim panel. You should find a small metal tab sticking through
the carpet at this point, a metal clip fits over it & retains a self
tapping screw, basically the same set up as the rear cockpit trim &
other such trim bits. Hope that makes sense!
(I think the clip is called a spire nut for some reason, but I could
be confusing it with something else). Ideally use a cup washer with
the screw, again like the rear trim...
William Davies
1975 TR6 PI
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