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TR4: missing engine, interim update

To: Triumph <>
Subject: TR4: missing engine, interim update
From: Steven Newell <>
Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2001 15:03:16 -0700
Organization: Crave Technology
Thanks to all who replied to my quest to resolve the rough
running under hard acceleration. I found the #1 plug was
badly fouled -- plugs which I'd unwisely assumed must be
fine since I'd changed them a few weeks prior. Anyway, I
gapped and installed new Champions and found that in a
few days, #1 was a little oil covered compared to the
others. I cleaned it, and a few days later it seems to be
fairly clean.

I'll need a couple more weeks to see, as the car's been in
the garage due to inclement weather. I was hoping it could
have been cold related? We weren't able to do the head
properly last year, so I can also imagine guides/seals.

Finally, I figured I'd put a page on my web page that
summarized the troubleshooting feedback, I'll post if/when
I get to that.

Steven Newell
Denver, CO

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