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'Dubious but necessary initiatives' LBC ownership patterns

To: "Triumph List" <>
Subject: 'Dubious but necessary initiatives' LBC ownership patterns
From: "John Macartney" <>
Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2001 17:42:48 +0100

Just for fun, I'd like to compile a list of 'initiative' patterns
relating to LBC ownership - mainly one liners.

So far, I have six. I'd like more - but off-list please. I'll reprint
in about a week:

* Repairing SU's in bed while SWMBO wants to watch the late movie
* Using the kitchen sink for final cleaning of gearboxes and diff
* Overhauling autoboxes on the kitchen worktop. You *do* need
surgically clean conditions for this operation
* Assembling rocker shaft assemblies on a piece of clean newspaper
(with oil can) on the sitting room coffee table
* Drawing up alternative wiring diagrams inside the front cover of
church hymn books during the Sermon
* Temporarily locating parts washers in a corner of the kitchen
because it's too cold to work in the garage

Any others? Off-list please


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