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Re: Yellow bow tie and a tuxedo

To: "Triumph List" <>
Subject: Re: Yellow bow tie and a tuxedo
From: "John Macartney" <>
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2001 21:04:06 -0000
Corey Sherman wrote:
As for the Radiator Cap, the current one is this awful hex shape
brand (gag!) -- sticks out like yellow bow tie on a tuxedo

Could such a sartorial arrangement present the same visual impression
I gained in Stratford on Avon last year?
The wearer probably weighed in at about 25 stone (say, 350 lbs) wore a
baseball cap on its head with the word "retired" prominently on the
front, a sugar pink tee shirt  and a pair of crimplene trousers in a
style of tartan that no Scotsman would have designed in his worst
nightmare. The human form within this intriguing miscellany of outer
garments was trying (unsuccessfully) to cross the road. I have to say
that more out of intrigue to feast my eyes upon this apparition,
rather than concern to keep car and pedestrian apart, I stopped to
study what stood before me. I confess that unrestrained laughter broke
forth at such a comical sight as it waddled across the road and all I
received for my trouble was a shout of "why can't you goddam people
drive on the same side of the road as we do back home?"
Methinks my gesture towards personal safety was not appreciated but
the spectacle itself provided a 'dining out' theme for several weeks
thereafter. I'm eagerly awaiting another visial experience of this
sort and hope I won't be disappointed - but for how long will I have
to wait?


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