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Re: More math on the opening

Subject: Re: More math on the opening
From: pRob <>
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 12:00:21 -0800 (PST)
Cc: " - *" <>
> Thelabel on the back tells me, in typically Canadian fashion, to have a fresh
> air opening of 58,000 mm squared. ( as if anyone under the age of 12 has the
> faintest idea if that  opening would allow a mouse or a transport truck
> through it)

For those of us who are twelve year olds: a millimeter is roughly 1/25 of
an inch, so a square millimeter is ~1/600 (1/625th is closer, but makes
the math harder) of an inch. 58,000 is ~60,000.

This leads to 60,000/600, or 100 sq inches: a 10x10 inch opening.

All this without a calculator :)

slarch wrote:
> This is .6243068 squared ft or 89.90018 in squared so if you take the squared
> root
> of that 89.90018" = 9 1/2" x 9 1/2" approximately

We have the same magnitude, at least.


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