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Re: TR3A commission number trivia (was Re: STC Title number information

To: TR mailing list <>
Subject: Re: TR3A commission number trivia (was Re: STC Title number information)]
From: Dave Quirt <>
Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2001 17:38:54 -0600

I have one of the plates right in front of me now. The '2' appears to be
stamped at a different time (later!) than the Comm No. as it is slightly
out of line and the font is very slightly different (thinner). I haven't
bothered yet with the BMHT certificate because the TR rebuild is still
low on the priority list (I've only had these two TRs for 25+ years).
But, likely the '2' would not appear on the certificate if the '2' was
stamped by the distributor upon entry to Canada.

Any other Canadian TR3A owners out there who can add to this bit of

Dave Q.
2TS 81140 L
 TS 63307 LO

Fred Thomas wrote:
> My only question on this is who made the plates, I thought they were only
> available with stamping from the factory, there has to be a record of all
> cars made and all cars shipped, how can you change the I.D. plates, have any
> of you ordered a BMHT certificate and compared the I.D. numbers, could
> settle this very quickly. "FT"
>> This stuff about the STC number reminds me of similar mods done to TR3A
>> commission numbers in Ontario (and perhaps in other provinces/states).
>> My December/60 TR3A has a '2' stamped immediately in front of the
>> commission number giving: 2TS 81140 L. A buddies TR3A (also from
>> December/60) also has this stamping giving 2TS 81541 L.
>> My December/59 TR3A has no such stamping and remains TS 63307 LO. I have
>> interpreted the '2' stamping to represent the year of original sale of
>> the car. This would fit with the stories of the many unsold TR3As
>> sitting around in '61 and '62.
>> Dave Q.

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