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RE: Oops... make that a TR3A sighting (not TR4)

To: "" <>, Triumph List <>
Subject: RE: Oops... make that a TR3A sighting (not TR4)
From: Anthony Rhodes <>
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 18:04:54 -0500
TR4s get no respect because they are rather scarce.  When the 3's went out of 
production people know that
they "won't make them like that anymore",  The 4s being more user friendly and 
seemingly less "special",
they got used up and were junked.  The 6s get more attention because they are 
so damn plentiful, and so
damn new!

I agree, the Michelotti 4-series design (I include 250/5 as well) is the best 
looking of the lot.


Message text written by
>TR4s get no respect... it's all TR3 and TR6.  Oh well... I still
love my pretty red TR4.

Brian Sanborn

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