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Manual Needs

To: "Triumph Mailing List" <>
Subject: Manual Needs
From: "Dale Neidhammer" <>
Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2001 07:31:03 -0600
Cc: "Steven Newell" <>
Posted-date: Tue, 13 Mar 2001 07:33:19 -0600 (CST)
Good Morning, All,
It appears that the finances are slowly coming together.  Should start in on
an active (read ready to spend $$) search for a car in about 6 weeks (Q2
bonuses.)  So, I am getting the garage ready for an LBC.  I am looking for
either a TR4A (IRS) or an early TR6 (hate the USDoT mandated bumpers.)  As
much as I would love a TR250, they appear to be out of my price range.  Ohh,
I am looking for a basically sound car that can be an every day driver from
the get go.  So, having wasted all this bandwidth... the following list of
questions is posed to the collective wisdom of the list:
1. Just what should I be looking for wrt to manuals
   and catalogs?
2. Are all of these manuals still in print?
3. If not, what sources have you all used to obtain out
   of print material?
4. What kind of prices are reasonable for out of print

As always, your time is greatly appreciated.

Dale Neidhammer                             Silicon Metrics Inc.
Senior Applications Engineer                      (512) 651-1474

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Dale Neidhammer.vcf]

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