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RE: tranny & engine question - TR6

Subject: RE: tranny & engine question - TR6
From: Peter Zaborski <>
Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2001 20:14:09 -0700
> From: Boothroyd, Frank []
> Sent: March 10, 2001 9:44 AM
> Hi folks.  My friendly mechanic is about to put my engine and 
> tranny back together and is letting me sit in on the action and
> learn from him.  It's just great.  Last Friday night he asked if I
> wanted to pop over when he inspected my tranny.  So I did and
> he pointed out that the reason for my grindy transmission was
> probably that there was half the amount of fluid in the tranny
> that there should have been and it was far too light a fluid too.
> (And the clutch was out of adjustment a tad.)

Hmmm, no disrespect to the mechanic, but what kind of "adjustment" is there
in a TR6 clutch? I thought hydraulic clutches were self adjusting.

Peter Zaborski  CF58310UO

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