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Re: building a better shock link

Subject: Re: building a better shock link
From: Randall Young <>
Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2001 16:38:15 -0800
References: <a05010401b6d06a99c448@[]>
Dan Buettner wrote:
> My question for the list is this: do you think that boring out the
> taper fit on the shock arm, and using a 7/16" grade 8 bolt/stud with
> grade 8 nuts and washers on either side, will work?

Dan :

Sounds reasonable to me, but I would use a bolt with a smooth shank, and
bore the shock arm to be a light press fit on the bolt shank, basically
making the bolt part of the arm.  Use flat washers only if absolutely
necessary for alignment/clearance, no lock washers, and torque the bolt
enough to get some stretch on it.


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