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Re: With regard to Triumph service bulletins.... (quite long)

To: <>
Subject: Re: With regard to Triumph service bulletins.... (quite long)
From: "David Brister" <>
Date: Tue, 6 Mar 2001 21:33:40 -0000
Michael Porter wrote

>But, to reiterate, all Triumph owners should benefit from this project,
>and no one person will personally profit from the work, including me.

This is surely the very stuff that this list should be about.

Bravo Mr Porter, and again Bravo!

I for one would be delighted to buy one of your CD's when they become
available for a price which would
defray your expenses and leave a bit for a good cause of your choice.

I'm sure I'm not alone here.

David Brister.
1967 TR4A, (40 miles in super weather today!)

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