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Re: New Tires

Subject: Re: New Tires
Date: Sat, 17 Feb 2001 12:11:44 EST
Tom Di Iulio writes:

> > compare
>  > various size tires against each other and the effect it will have on your
>  > speedo reading. 

And Raymond Hatfield replies:
>  Or you could always go to my website and forgo the math! ;) Look under the
>  Maintenance section and you will find charts of different sizes of tire 
>  are fairly close to original tire circumference on the TRs

For whatever it might be worth, most tire manufacturers seem to have fairly 
good web sites nowadays, and on those web sites usually is comprehensive 
information about specific tires, including diameter and/or circumference 
measurements. It's worth checking there or with the tire dealer (who 
obviously also should have that information). Not all tires are created equal 
in those measurements, odd as that might seem! (For example, I have found 
over the years that many varieties of Dunlop tires are much larger in 
circumference than the "same size" tire of other brands.)

--Andy Mace

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