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Re: Which OD do I have?

To: Bob and Nancy <>
Subject: Re: Which OD do I have?
From: Jim Bauder <>
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2001 21:41:21 -0800
Cc: TR List <>
References: <v04220802b6955c7ba858@[]>

Sounds like a later model J Type. Does the OD Solenoid mount
horizontally or vertically? If vertical it is an A if horizontal it is
a J. The Type J won't fit a TR3 without modifying the floor board and
probably the trans. cover to provide clearance for the solenoid. Also
the transmission rear mount will require some pretty heavy
modification of the frame to accept the Type J rear mount.

Good luck, and as always YMMV!

Jim Bauder
'58 TR3
(with a TR4 Trans. and OD!)
Palo Alto, CA

Bob and Nancy wrote:

> Some time ago I purchased an OD unit for a TR3.  However, upon closer
> inspection I'm not convinced that it will fit (without modification)
> in my car.
> The details are:
> 1.  serial number 28/1447/003666
> 2.  It has what I can best describe as a 450 angle rear mount.  Does
> that make sense to anyone?
> 3.  It has another mount looking thing on the bottom that would
> appear to take rubber-bushed torque mount.  Does that make sense?
> Sorry about the vague nature of my descriptions.  Can anyone
> enlighten me as to which OD I might have?

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