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Re eBay Vendor

To: <>
Subject: Re eBay Vendor
From: "Adrian Dix-Dyer" <>
Date: Sat, 27 Jan 2001 23:31:15 -0000
To the list,

I have recently purchased on ebay a Lucas Fault manual for the sum of 20
bucks plus postage. I wish to warn all listers of the vendor that sold me
this item.

Mark Rossel NY alias

I received the item this morning and to my horror it was a 50 cent photocopy
and a very poor one at that.

This man's auctions must be avoided at all costs. He is auctioning copies
not originals of Lucas manuals. THIS IS FRAUD AND COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT.

He has offered a refund if I return the goods less shipping.

Less shipping? for a fraudulent photocopy that infringes copyright

The man is in loopy cloud cuckoo land. He even stated he worked for Xerox at
one time!

I can probably say goodbye to my 22 bucks but if I can just warn all you
guys to stay away from it will cost him a lot more in the

Soapbox put away, end of sermon.

But not quite, I hope that rots in hell. He is an A******,
Sorry for the profanity the b****** has got under my skin.

I hate fraud in any shape or form and I hate to admit that he has my 22
bucks for goods fit for the trash can.

Adrian TR4A
CT64306 O

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