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Re: VTR 2001 (from SF w/o a TR)

To:, Triumph <>
Subject: Re: VTR 2001 (from SF w/o a TR)
From: Steven Newell <>
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2001 13:52:09 -0700
Organization: Crave Technology
References: <> wrote:

> My TR won't be done in time for VTR 2001. Question, is it worth going
> without a car (I'm sure having a car there is a bonus but.......)?
> Question # 2, what is the easiest way to get there from Calif. (SF Bay
> Area).

Fly to Denver and rent a Miata at Denver International Airport. <g>

More to your point, Breckenridge is a beautiful place to visit, and the
drive through Utah and Western Colorado is striking, worth the trip.
You'll find no shortage of things to do in CO, some that don't involve
Triumphs. This will be my 1st VTR event and the 2nd year owning the
TR4, so I can't guess how much emotional distress you'll suffer -- but I'd
hope the pain would be eased by so many nice TRs, Heralds, Spits,
and a Mayflower. Or two.

AFA driving directions, it's about 24 [legal] driving hours mostly on
I-80 and I-70. I'm sure you could find a convoy of Triumphs from the
west coast that would be happy to include a support vehicle full of
spares. <g>

Steven Newell
Denver, CO

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