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TR3 Transmission Problems

Subject: TR3 Transmission Problems
From: Dennis & Bridget Lambert <> (Unverified)
Date: Sat, 20 Jan 2001 08:11:31 -0800
A few weeks ago, after stopping for gas, I put my TR-3A in gear to
leave, and the transmission acted like it was frozen; the engine just
died, as if I had the brakes on.   After experimenting, I found that if
I put the shift lever in the reverse position, it engaged second gear,
and I got the car home that way.  At home, I popped the trans cover off,
but could not see any obvious damage.  I replaced the top, making sure
to engage the forks properly, and the car seemed to drive OK for a
while.  Yesterday, the same thing happened: reverse is now second, and
any other selection freezes the trans.

Any ideas?  Is there anything I can check while the trans is still in
the car?  Do these symptoms seem typical of a specific, known problem?

The transmission # is TS28xxx, apparently from a pre 50000 TR3.


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