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RE: coolant

To: "'Fred Thomas'" <>
Subject: RE: coolant
From: "Bowen, Patrick" <>
Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2001 16:03:53 -0500
Cc: "''" <>, "''" <>
No I am not sure.  Actually, after checking my car used something called
DEX-COOL  GM's namebrand for their extremely long lasting, high temp
anti-freeze.  It does not state what it is composed of other than it is an
ethylene glcol based derivative.  Don't know if they are related or not.
her is a site with some info

However on Evans website, they advocate use of their anti-freeze in
streetcars, and antiques, go figure.


-----Original Message-----
From: Fred Thomas []
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 4:12 PM
To: Bowen, Patrick
Subject: coolant

Patrick, are you sure it is the same product "Evans", I talked with these
people for some time, this is a racing coolant, and not recommended for
antique street cars, or regular use cars.   "FT"

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