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Re: Why triumph won't be back.

To: George Richardson <>
Subject: Re: Why triumph won't be back.
From: David Massey <>
Date: Sat, 13 Jan 2001 18:11:19 -0500
Cc: "Paul J. Burr" <>, "[unknown]" <>, Gary Nafziger <>, "Michael D. Porter" <>
Message text written by George Richardson
>Now I see both, all day long. Besides that, the government is going to
start taxing SUVs as passenger vehicles rather than trucks. Once they do
that, the prices will rise and people will loose interest. Remember the
minivan? Once it seemed everyone owned one. Now they're a lot less
common, replaced by SUVs. 

A more important consideration is will the SUV's be counted as cars in the
CAFE (corporate average fuel economy) calculation?  That would REALLY
effect the offering on the market.


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