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UK registration numbers on cars

To: <>
Subject: UK registration numbers on cars
From: "Marc Edens" <>
Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2001 09:32:58 +0200
Hi Steve,

When a car is first registered, it is assigned a registration number, which
it 'generally' keeps for the remainder of it's road life. Thus, using the
info on the registration number, one is able to derive the year that the car
was first registered and / or constructed.


Marc Edens


  For the past 3 months that I have received magazines from the Triumph
Sports Six Club, I have noticed that they always refer to a car by its
registration, listed on the license plate.
  Exactly what significance or what information can be gathered by knowing
the plate number?  Is the plate passed down with the car from

Steve Reilly
'70 GT6+

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