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Re: Another question a.EDU>

To: Mike Smith <>
Subject: Re: Another question a.EDU>
Date: Mon, 8 Jan 2001 10:52:27 -0500 (EST)
Mmdf-warning: Parse error in original version of preceding line at
On Mon, 8 Jan 2001, Mike Smith wrote:

> Firstly, thanks to everyone who helped out with answers on the TR3A minimum 
>brake rotor thickness - as luck(?) would have it, mine are just under spec and 
>will have to be replaced - naturally with the $90 versions, as opposed to the 
>later $30 ones -go figure.

As to the silent blocks, they are a press fit into the center tierod.  Not
too many good ways to remove except with a hydraulic press.  Heat will
potentially ruin your center tie rod.


> What I was wondering, having had great success with the methods of piston 
>removal from the calipers gleaned from the list, as to whether there were any 
>suggestions as to the simplest way of budging Silentbloc links from the 
>steering arm. Mine seem to be pretty firmly attached, and before I resort to 
>the torch......
> Many thanks again to the list - waht a great resource when you've got 17000 
>pieces spread out all over the house.
> Mike

James A. Ruffner

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