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TR3 - "Dip" in front of Nose ?

To: "TRlist" <>
Subject: TR3 - "Dip" in front of Nose ?
From: "Pat" <>
Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2001 10:04:31 -0800
Well here is one for all the "purists" in our group ! (I think)

My nose is in to my body man to be brought back to life after a rather sad
past ! <G>

I am told by a very reliable source from whom I buy my parts that there is
supposed to be "Dip" on the top front of the TR3 nose piece. That is, below
the "T R I U M P H" letters and where the sheet metal rolls over the 180
degrees towards the back of the car where the front grill attaches.

As far as my memory can go back, I can never recall seeing this prevalent in
a TR3. I'm told that most nose's have been filled in (Bondo) over the years
from body men (and women <G> ) who think this is a defect.

Would any one happen to have a snap the accentuates this "Dip" ? Does it go
the width of the car ? Do any of your cars have it ??

Thanks, All.
Pat (Again !)

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