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RE: burning magnesium (was : TR6 Aftermarket Wheels Identification) (lit

Subject: RE: burning magnesium (was : TR6 Aftermarket Wheels Identification) (little LBC)
From: Randall Young <ryoung@NAVCOMTECH.COM>
Date: Wed, 3 Jan 2001 18:39:13 -0800
Cc: wrote :
>  The flame would have to be very hot and
> large in volume to ignite a solid piece of mag.

Large perhaps, but an ordinary match flame reaches the temperature necessary to
light magnesium.
The issue is that magnesium is a pretty good conductor of heat, so you have to
heat most of the piece almost to ignition before it will light.  I'd guess an
ordinary barbecue grill or beach fire would do it.  Anyone want to donate a mag
wheel for a test ?

Randall - with pyromaniac tendencies

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