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Warning Lights

Subject: Warning Lights
Date: Tue, 2 Jan 2001 10:01:41 EST
I put a new bulb in the brake warning light (more on this below) in my 1975 
TR6 and when I start the car, the brake warning light and the oil warning 
light both stay on.  The brakes seem to working OK but my owner's handbook 
states that, "The Pressure Differential Warning Actuator (P.D.W.A.) switch 
operates a warning light on the facia which is series/parallel connected with 
the oil warning light.  Thus when the brakes are working correctly, the brake 
warning light and the oil warning light are both extinguished as the engine 
speed is increased from idle.  In the event of a partial brake failure the 
brake warning system is earthed directly, causing the warning light to glow 
brightly."  I haven't worked on brakes very much, but I'm puzzled about this 
since I haven't noticed any leaks and the car stops straight and with what I 
consider reasonable stopping power.  I've had the car a year and have been 
driving it in this condition not suspecting a problem until now.  Reason is, 
I'm refinishing the facia and I started trying to figure out why my warning 
lights were so screwy.  I thought that my oil light was burned out since the 
oil pressure gauge showed good pressure but the oil light never came on.  
When I put a bulb in what I thought was the EGR light, the EGR light stayed 
on all the time and caused the oil light to glow (so the bulb was good after 
all).  But checking the wiring diagram, I found out that in the past the EGR 
and brake warning lights had been swapped behind the facia but not on the 
front of the facia.  So now my lights are telling me I have a brake problem.  
Any chance that the P.D.W.A. needs to be "re-centralised"?  As always, any 
help would be appreciated.  Thanks.

Rick Murray
Lilburn, GA

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