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Re: tr-3 steering box align.

Subject: Re: tr-3 steering box align.
From: Randall Young <>
Date: Mon, 01 Jan 2001 22:56:51 -0800
References: <>
Gary :

No, we're talking about clamping the steering box in place such that
there is no bending pressure applied to the steering column tube.  To
accomplish this, the box can rotate in the horizontal plane (via the
trunnion clamp) and slightly in the vertical plane (via the oversize
bolt holes).

My experience has been that it will be quite obvious which hard parts
need to be replaced.  In other words, if you can't see that it's worn,
it's probably OK.  The contact area on the peg is much smaller than the
worm, so it tends to wear more.  The peg should be round, any flattening
indicates wear.  One way to check the 'threads' on the worm for wear is
to turn the peg in the arm so new surfaces are contacting the worm, then
assemble the box on the bench (don't need the pitman arm), set the end
float to 0 for the worm, then tighten the adjustment screw until you can
just barely feel a resistance when turning the shaft through center.  It
should uniformly get easier to turn as you move away from center.  My
worm is worn until there are two tight spots, each about 1/6 turn away
from center.  If you use it anyway (as I did), do the final adjustment
so you can just barely feel a resistance at the tightest spot, wherever
that is.

Visually inspect the worm and bearing races for pits or obvious wear,
and replace the pitman arm bushing and seal on general principles.

Don't forget to refill with gear oil _after_ everything else (including
the control head) is assembled, and the stator tube is clamped in place.


Gary Nafziger wrote:
> Sorry I am not sure what is meant by aligning the steering box.  I just took
> mine out and don't understand.....unless you mean making sure the lever arm
> goes back on to the drop arm thing in the same alignment after it is pressed
> off.
> I am wondering how one tells what to replace?? do you replace all the
> bearings,bushings in the box?? and maybe the peg??  also how do you tell if
> the worm gear is excessively worn??  Mine looks ok but??  and is it made so
> the peg wears instead of the gear?? or do they both wear the same?

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