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RE: TR6 Aftermarket Wheels Identification

To: "'Gary Allgood '" <>
Subject: RE: TR6 Aftermarket Wheels Identification
From: Jim Hill <>
Date: Mon, 1 Jan 2001 02:57:29 -0600
Cc: "' '" <>
Gary Allgood wrote:

>I have magnesium wheels on my TR4. I beleive 
>them to be Dealer Installed "original" to a 
>TR4A, not my TR4 though as mine was a wire 
>wheel car.


Ah yes . . . those are the "cool" wheels. Nice car too!

I bought my '63 TR4 new with wire wheels and don't recall what
dealer-installed options were available at the time, but American Racing did
have aftermarket wheels like yours available in both aluminum and magnesium
in those days if I recall correctly.

The down side of true magnesium wheels is that they are subject to
deterioration over time, and God forbid they should ever come near an open
flame hot enough to ignite the magnesium.

Jim Hill
Madison WI

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