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air tools

Subject: air tools
From: "john matthews" <>
Date: Thu, 28 Dec 2000 23:37:14 -0800 FILETIME=[29ADEC30:01C0716A]

Just thought I'd jump in on this thread to tell you all of my good fortune. 
I was walking near my office today when I noticed a compressor sitting on 
the sidewalk. To make a long story short the previous tennants left it when 
they moved out and I picked it up for the grand total of zero dollars. What 
I have is a speedaire/dayton electric 32421E compressor. Looks like about a 
40 gal tank with a two stage pump. It may need a rebuild as it only pumps to 
about 60 psi, but the price was right... Included in the deal was a Croix 
CX-10 Turbine compressor. It looks like some kind of high volume/low 
pressure unit. Does anyone know about either of these things? Now if I can 
only find someone giving away a mig welder...


John Matthews
'61 Herald
'63 TR 4

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