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Dashpot Oil/Final 2000 TR adventures

To: " daily digest" <>,
Subject: Dashpot Oil/Final 2000 TR adventures
From: "Sherman D. Taffel" <>
Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2000 00:55:38 -0400
Organization: Center for Educational and Environmental Development
Well this is as good a post as anyy to share my Triumphing joys of this week.

On Tuesday I met Gary Klein, our TRAC president at a bank 1/2 way
between us to do some TRAC business 
 , meanwhile I did the business of enjoying the Triumph 4. 
The TR has been absolutely a joy since I fixed that crazy
(Mallory)distributor problem last October (shorting points contact). No
matter how cold it has been, as long as ther is no salt on the roads-
and I'm running local 'TR supply runs'- I've chosen the TR over the
others in the collection. Why you may ask?

1st,Its my Joy Toy! The dream car of my youth, its Holiday time, no
complications! 2nd  its a 4 cyl-(why start a V-12 in 18-24^ temps, the
TR warms up 'quick', well realtively quickly).

Once I get the door lock thumb button to work, I insert and turn the
ignition key to 'on',  I pop the bonnet, I turn the choke up full with
my right hand, I then press the solenoid start button and I am never
disapointed - the car starts IMMEDIATELY and runs as long as the choke
is properly positioned. Immediately when firing, I can back down the choke.

I am running '3 in 1 oil' in the dashpots.  I have had NO, absolutely no
hesitation upon aceleration - and I have along slowly rising hill to
climb immediately after turning my corner, as long as the choke is
properly positioned. 
If I wait 5 minutes before leaving (usually is by the time I fold up &
put the covers in the trunk, gather my briefcase and misc items, put on
my seatbelt, etc.) I don't evben need the choke, and the Idle RPM is @
750-800. Se is smooth asnd a dream- and I can't believe it. I never
remember the TR ever being this dependable.

Wed evening, after running @ with the TR, I took Camellia to dinner in
the TR. 

I am running a full cardboard in front ogf the radiator- and becuase the
temp gauge is reading at only 2/3 of the way toward 70^center mark, and
if I go over 45 I loose too much heat from the thin top, I am thinking
of removeing the metal fan-until I can pull the whole extension and
install the electric fan in full. Today I stopped at the post office and
had to wait behind 7 cars , at the drive in window- at least a full
12-15 minutes (no rush-just enjoying the getting cozier (heat wise)TR),
and the needle never went above 'center' on the temp gauge- and this is
with the cardboard in front of the radiator. 

Anyway I've put about 150 miles on the car so far this week- have used
only one other. I'm working on the Rallye light circuits, and also the
"Camellia Rallye decal". I have posted a picture of the 3 actual vintage
rallye lights on the car on

Website Homepage: 
(links to the TR pages too (CTR/TRAC) and the JAG club (NCJOC); I'm learning!

There are some links to some of the restoration pictures, but this is a
work in progress, and those of you with those magnificent
website(Brian,Jeff, Dan, etc) have been a real inspiration. 

SO I and the TR have had a TRiumphant Happy Channukah, Merry Christmas
and rapidly approaching New Year. Before the Snow Storm hits again- I
just can't get enough Triumphing.

Even got the TRF and MOSS ORDERS off today. Anyone interested, you're
welcome on the 6th. I'll be hosting a TRAC TECH Session on Master
Cylinder Overhaul. See the TRAC website!!

Columbia MD
TR4 CT40054L
One Happy TR playing in MD
(strong and Proud Once again)

[demime 0.97c removed an attachment of type text/x-vcard which had a name of 

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