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Squirrels Eating Car Covers/& related Tech notes

Subject: Squirrels Eating Car Covers/& related Tech notes
From: "Sherman D. Taffel" <>
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 22:10:48 -0400
Organization: @Home Network
Hi Bruce
Ironic you should mention this. I had the same experience last year with
a couple of Evolution Covers and a Tyvek cover. I have several cars at
home that I always keep Evolution covers on when they are not in 'the
rotation of use'. 

I am restoring a Jensen GT. This car has the typical British water weep
problem. Even with the Evolution Cover. So I double cover it- Tyvek over
the Evolution. 

Now these are not new covers. As folks may know, the Evolution covers
are 'warrantied' for 2 years. The Tyvek 'lifetime'-only when you call
Tyvek-they never respond.  The Tyvek cover was into its third year, the
evolution on its 3rd year also. As they get thinner and torn in spots
(duct tape to the rescue) Those are the ones the squirrels seem to

I've had no squirel problems with the new Technacon Evolution 4 covers I
bought a year ago for the Jags. 

These covers don't 'owe me' a thing-. They are cheap enough for what
they do. The only problem I've had with the evolution covers is when
they become 6 mo old - after each rain- they leave 'dust' on what were
the always 'Concours' surfaces that 'were' --before the rain.  

I've found that a new evolution cover, covered with a new tyvek cover-
will require three straight days of rain before the car even gets wet
anywhere -and then only on the major horizonal surfaces.

One thing I've learned though- If you get a long lasting soaking cover
rain- get that cover off as soon as you can and let the car surface dry. 
Or start the car and let radiant engine heat dry up the cover- Otherwise
you'll get some 'paint bubbles' in the continuously wet spots. 

I bought the new soft cover (flannel soft underside) for the TR after
the restoration last year. I've learned that it 'holds' water 'longer'
than the evolution or tyvek covers. So I only use it when the car is in
the hanger, or during 'good weather'.  If the TR happens to be home (as
oppossed to in the hanger, or the marina garage) when a rain shower is
approaching, I use a thin cotton car cover (great for keeping dust off
the car)-then cover the entire car with a poly tarp- this keeps the car
surface protected from what would be (alone a) scratchy flapping tarp
(yes I tie it down, but wind does its thing). 

Last night we had a sleet/freezing rain cold front pass thru- there was
(note I said WAS) crushed ice on the tarp this morning- but not a drip
on the TR.

also watching for 'bad' squirrel behavior

Sherman D. Taffel
Columbia MD
TR4 CT40054L 
(My Beautiful Happy Blue Baby)
(My Favorite Toy)

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