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Re: Final Update On Conner

Subject: Re: Final Update On Conner
Date: Sat, 9 Dec 2000 01:34:43 EST
Pete, Conner et al-


Steve Thornton
Bowling Green, KY

In a message dated 12/8/2000 10:23:25 PM Central Standard Time, writes:

 To all:
 I am both sad and relieved to report to you that our son Conner 
 William Chadwell has passed away.  Sad because we will miss him 
 tremendously, but relieved because we know he is with God and because 
 we know now that he will not have to struggle any longer with his 
 health problems, and I must admit, neither will we.
 Conner lived for nearly 18 days, leaving us at 5:10 pm on November 8. 
 He died in his grandpa's arms
 (that grandpa is also the owner of a 1980 TR8, by the way
  some of 
 you may know him from the TR8 list, Tom Chadwell)
 Thursday afternoon Conner went into respiratory distress and spent 
 the vast majority of his final 26 hours or so with extremely erratic 
 and difficult breathing.  On a regular basis he would breathe heavily 
 for 10 or so breaths and then his breathing would pause for another 
 10 or 15 seconds of more.  His color went away for much of the time, 
 as did his temperature, but he did have a few breaks where he would 
 awaken, regain his color and body temperature, cry and breathe 
 somewhat regularly, but each time he reverted back to his struggled, 
 labored breathing.
 We are very confident that our baby boy did not suffer any pain
 died peacefully and quietly.
 Thank you all for your kind words of support and encouragement.  We 
 are sorry to bring this sorry news, but I knew many of you would be 
 anxious to hear nonetheless.
 Again, thank you so much.
 Pete Chadwell
 1973 TR6

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