I replaced my diaphrams while redoing the top/bottom seat covers; an
easy proceedure from the top. I guess it could be done from the bottom
but it might be tough to do it that way since the clips enter the frame
from the top. Might have to remove the bottom seat cover first.
If you're happy with the condition of the current cover and if the
foam's not converted into a pile of rot, then it might be worth a go.
Digest '75 TR6
Severn, MD
President, TRiumhs Around the Chesapeake, TRAC
> Overall, the seats in my TR6 are in fair condition,
> but I recently tilted one up (chasing a dropped screw)
> and took a look at the bottom of the seats. The
> rubber diaphrams are starting to go -- some connection
> points torn, others on the way.
> Is it reasonable to replace JUST the diaphrams and
> postpone the eventual full seat cover project? Or
> is that just a waste of time and money?
> Thanks in advance for your help.
> Joe