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Re: XKE clutch replacement !!!

Subject: Re: XKE clutch replacement !!!
From: Lawrence G Miceli <>
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2000 11:04:31 -0500
70 hours!!!!!!!!!
Something  doesn't sound right here. I pulled the bonnet and motor from
my E, had it on the floor with the transmission separated in less than 5
hours. I could have swapped the clutch and put it back together in WAY
less time than either of these estimates, but I decided to take the rest
of the car apart at the same time...... (and I am not a mechanic)

And why would you cut the frame!!!! 

I have also seen the motor come out the bottom if you don't want to
remove the nose of the car, but you have to remove the front suspension,
which is a lot more work than taking the nose off the car. BTW, neither
of these methods require cutting anything.

My car is a 4.2, 6 cyl car. Maybe the 12 cyl cars are different but if
your guy wants to cut the frame to do a clutch job I think I would find
another Jag mechanic.

Larry Miceli
Gold Coast Triumph Club
Pompano Beach, Florida
'73 Stag  *  '66 Herald  *  69 E-Type FHC

On Tue, 5 Dec 2000 19:58:49 -0500 "Ken and Elizabeth" <>
> I was just talking to the wife of my Triumph guru mechanic and she 
> mentioned a
> woman who wanted the clutch replaced on her XKE. The story blew my 
> mind. She
> said that if you replace the clutch the way the manual recommends, 
> it calls
> for 70 hours labor (about $4,500 in labor !!!). Bill does it in only 
> 40 hours
> (about $2,500) by cutting the frame and lifting off the entire front 
> of the
> car !!! Ever heard that? When folks said the jags are expensive to 
> work on,
> they weren't kidding
> Ken Shapiro
> 1970 GT6+
> KC81872L
> Baltimore, Maryland

Larry Miceli
Gold Coast Triumph Club
Pompano Beach, Florida
'73 Stag  *  '66 Herald  *  69 E-Type FHC

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