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RE: State of the List

To: "Bob Danielson" <>, "Jack W. Drews" <>, <>
Subject: RE: State of the List
From: "Brian Sanborn" <>
Date: Sat, 2 Dec 2000 14:07:54 -0500

I try to stay out this subject area... it's like pushing on a
rope... I sort by subject and use the delete key on the whole
thread...  but I must admit that the times have changed.  I want
to use the list 90 percent as a community of TR restorers that
share restoration information, advice and experiences. My 10% of
personal TR related traffic is offlist.

The list now has many members that don't restore their cars and
don't enjoy working on them and just want use the list as a "chat
room" with chat room etiquette.

If splitting the list into technical and chat would help... I'm
for it

Brian Sanborn
'62 TR4  CT16260L so to be "O" - Groton, MA

My TR4 Restoration Web Site

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Bob Danielson
Sent: Friday, December 01, 2000 10:48 PM
To: Jack W. Drews;
Subject: State of the List

Having earned my living in the Internet business for about 7
years now I can
remember when Off Topic posts wouldn't be tolerated and the
offender would
be "banished" from the list or newsgroup. Unfortunately times
have changed
and the newbies (raised on AOL) have taken over and are far more
tolerant...... or just ignorant.  Many times in the past few
years I've been
tempted to unsubscribe but have refrained from doing
so........... I'm
mostly a lurker or reply directly rather then to the whole list
so no one
would miss me. However Henry Fyre left a few weeks ago and he was
excellent resource and Triumph lover. Now Jack Drew is
another resource that can't easily be replaced. Bob Wanta of
Bob's Foreign
Auto also comes to mind and the British Power (?) folks have been
absent lately. Even one of the most needed people is very
quiet.... Dan
Masters! It's a shame that the list has taken such a turn as to
Triumph lovers from it. I'm sure Mark B also gets disgusted by
the high
level of off topic posts that clog the list and drag down his
servers with
unnecessary useless bandwidth. Three years ago this never would
happened, but times have  changed and Internet/list etiquette is
non-existent today. I'll continue to lurk and endlessly hit my
delete key
and dream of the "good old days".
Flame away.......... nomex and thick skin on.

Bob Danielson
1975 TR6 Status at

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