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GM alternator in TR6 - lessons learned

To: <>
Subject: GM alternator in TR6 - lessons learned
From: "tidbinbilla" <>
Date: Fri, 1 Dec 2000 20:43:59 -0800
Hi fellow listers,

I just successfully installed a GM alternator in my TR6.  In retrospect it was
quite easy thanks mainly to the excellent instructions on the VTR web site and
in Dan Master's TR6 Electrical book.  Here's the approach I took:

Used existing wiring - no upgrade.
Put shunt on ammeter.
At alternator, cut off old connectors and soldered new connectors, purchased
at AutoZone, that are designed to fit the GM alternator.  Heat shrink soldered
Had alternator connections at "9:00" position. I had to rotate my alternator
180 degrees to get it there.  Be really careful when separating the cases.
You don't want the back half to separate too much.  Otherwise you will have to
reassemble the unit and learn the trick way to suppress the brushes will
reinserting the windings!
Purchase one of those aftermarket, chrome alternator brackets made in Taiwan
from AutoZone  I sawed about 6 inches off the end and drilled a new hole to
mount in the same place as the stock TR6 bracket.  I don't care for the
chrome, so I sanded it down and painted it black.
I got a new 44 inch by 3/8 belt from NAPA but it is just a bit too long.  I
will pick up a 43 or 43.5 inch belt and use the 44 as backup.
I followed the wiring diagrams in Dan's book.

If you have any questions, I would be more than happy to answer them.

Dave Stauffacher
Ramona, Ca
1970 TR6 PI CP51649

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