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stuck oil pan

Subject: stuck oil pan
From: "Boothroyd, Frank" <>
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 08:42:34 -0330
Hi.  I'm the fellow who was concerned about only having 12 inches then grew
another 6 overnight.  Well yesterday I started using those 18 total inches
of clearance with the intent to change my TR6's oil pump and bearings.  The
oil was successfully drained.  The bolts were successfully removed.

And now my oil pan is stuck.  And I mean STUCK.  I've managed to wangle a
putty knife in and ease it along the front of the pan but that's it.  So
does anyone have any TOTT (yeah, I'm still stickin' with my acronym for
"Tricks Of The Trade") on how best to get the pan off?  Oh, and just for a
bit of local colour - this is all being done in a shed in Newfoundland.  An
unheated shed.  It's hovering around the freezing mark and my dog keeps
coming over to see what I'm cursing at and why I'm lying on my back and then
she licks my face in support and in so doing breathes on my safety glasses
which adds a layer of mist to my already foggy knowledge of things

Thank you for any support/advice you can provide.
'73 TR6 avec oil pan ("perma-pan").

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