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Re: Triumph

To: <>
Subject: Re: Triumph
From: "John Macartney" <>
Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2000 22:06:59 -0000
Cc: "Triumph List" <>
Richard White wrote:

>This criticism of the list has been voiced before.

I never intended or implied a criticism of the list

>In the couple
of years I been reading this list, I have not heard anyone seriously
refuse to answer a question about "one of those Triumphs".  A large
percentage of the members seem to be from the US, and the sports
cars were the only Triumphs exported to us in large numbers.

I agree. Up to the end of 1967, the larger saloons were available on
the US market but sales volume was small. This was primarily because
of the size and equipment to price ratio. Detroit offered more car for
less money. With the advent of emission
control regs and an annual updating of safety specs on a number of
different fronts, the company quite reasonably felt that it was not
finacially viable to re-tool or offer other variants for such a small
annual demand. Quite understandable bearing in mind the circumstances.

>Is the lack of knowledge about them our fault or Triumph Car Company?
would welcome knowledge about the other members of my TR's family, but
have only seen the non-sports cars at a few shows and never
on the street.

A 'lack of knowledge' is again not a criticism or intended to be such.
I only reported what many had written to me off-list. My earlier post
stated that non-sports owners tend to congregate into like groups -
within Europe anyway. Those that have subscribed to this list say they
did not find sufficient material to feed their passions, so they
unsubscribed. This does not mean the list is at fault (because it
isn't) and it certainly doesn't lay blame or imply ignorance at the
feet of listers who own the cars that were bought in volume within the
US. My feeling was and is that I'd be delighted to see Triumph owners
of all models subscribing to a common list in which there was ample
exposure for all models. It may come, it may not. If it doesn't,
that's not the end of the world. The list was not
criticised and my earlier post did not intend to demean the
subscribers in any way at all. I apologise if I have caused offence.


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