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RE: Ouch, well nearly...

To: "'Biedermann, Frank (SSABSA)'" <>, "triumphs (E-mail)" <>, "''" <>
Subject: RE: Ouch, well nearly...
From: Chris De Wet <>
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 14:33:42 +0200

Couldn't agree with you more . 
Triumphs are the best ( most of them anyway , giggle ) ! I have absolutely
no attraction to most of the new flimsy cars that are available . Most of
them look basically the same . How uninspiring / boring and I think most of
them won't survive as long as our trusty old Triumphs .

Glad that you were not seriously hurt . 
BTW my daughter regards 30 as OLD :-)

Oh yeah , AFAIK the Commodore ( and Senator ) was first manufactured by
Chevrolet and later on by Opel . Might be different in the rest of the world
, but that's the case in South Africa as far as I remember . I'm a wee bit
over 30 , so my memory might not be as good as it used to be :-)

Kind regards

Chris de Wet
P O Box 472 , Ifafi  , 0260  ,  South Africa  .
Telephone 012 - 3398071 ( office ) 012 - 2591129 ( home ) Cell 0839989744
Fax 012 - 3398201
One '56 TR 3 with o/d , two Heralds and four early Spitfires without o/d .

-----Original Message-----
From: Biedermann, Frank (SSABSA) []
Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2000 1:14 AM
To: triumphs (E-mail)
Subject: Ouch, well nearly...

 Triumphs are such good cars...
Yesterday while going to the bank I was rear-ended by some old codger (hope
no-one takes offense at this) driving a Commodore (equivalent to some sort
of Opel for you Europeans out there) 
Anyway, to make a short story short again, the end result was the TR6 didn't
end up with a scratch on it, but his front end was a mashed in. Oh, and
I got a bit of a stiff neck from the impact. So, these cars we're all
driving really are quite sturdy little beasties, which contrasts quite
nicely with the crap that they throw together nowadays out of bits of
aluminium foil and plastic (no I'm not old - I'm only 30, but I don't like
the fact that you can dent new car's doors when you close them). 
Just another good reason to try to preserve them for future use...

Frank Biedermann
1969 TR6 PI

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