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Across the Rubicon

Subject: Across the Rubicon
From: Cliff Hansen <>
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 21:44:25 -0500
Well, I got frustrated enough trying to get the new floor between the
frame and body, so after about a dozen rusty bolts my neighbor and
I hoisted the body off.  And all this started in October 1998 when I
thought that I would "clean up under the battery a little."  Breckenridge
is _very_ far away.  But after intercepting with my forehead about three
hundred fiery metal bits flung from my grinder at near the speed of light 
the new right side floor fits pretty good!  A little repair to the wheel arch
and it's time for welding.  Meanwhile, I must hope that no-one pinches
my rolling chassis from my driveway, since I have no other place to
keep it.

Cliff Hansen
1966 TR-4A CTC 64615L (in about a thousand pieces)

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