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Okay, I'll do it! (was 12 inches)

Subject: Okay, I'll do it! (was 12 inches)
From: "Boothroyd, Frank" <>
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 15:28:30 -0330
Okay folks.  The combined wisdom of the list has spoken and I have listened.

I'll do it!  I just went out and bought another length of 6"x6" lumber to
saw off into more blocks to put the car up another 6".  I had another look
at the jack stands at my local Canadian Tire store and still don't trust
them.  So I'm going with good, solid wood.  It gives me 1 square foot of
surface area per corner and lots of support for the frame.

I don't like the thought of being squished under the car from which I am
removing my first ever bearings.

So thanks again for the advice.  And I hope you don't mind some horribly
basic bearings questions coming your way.  (In a related posting, Eric
Condrad said "I don't know how familiar you are with engines..."  The
answer, Eric, is this: I've heard of them, have a pretty good idea where
they're located and what they're for... but that's about it.

I'm off now to study my factory manual before the operation begins.

Frank Boothroyd, BSc, MSc, TR6 (in progress)

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