The "pit" in my garage is 3' W X 14' L X 6' D, cost complete 1K, just walk
right on under, sliding rack for any jack-ups needed, best investment I ever
made. "FT"
> Recent thread has made me think - what is the best way to get a car WAY up
> on jackstands?
> What I have done with my Spit is to put one end up on ramps, then jack up
> the other end and put the jackstands under that end. Then I jack the other
> end up off the ramps enough to pull them out and put the stands under.
> gets the Spit up a fairly comfortable distance.
> Anyone have a better way?
> Kevin Rhodes
> Portland, Maine
> Freddy the Spit and a Landrover that is going to be on stands for a while,
> I suspect.