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RE: I've only got 12 inches...

To: "Boothroyd, Frank" <>, <>
Subject: RE: I've only got 12 inches...
From: "Eric Conrad" <>
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 09:04:53 -0700 c>
Gosh, I'm getting a little misty eyed and sentimental reading Frank's
question.  You see, my TR6 frame-off restoration began just as Frank
describes.  Low oil pressure, nah, couldn't be the conrod bearings, couldn't
be the main bearings, it has to be the oil pump.  I will say that my oil
pump was definitely a problem, but there was a reason the pump was bad,
which was the same reason all the main and rod bearings were bad, and that
the crank shaft was badly scored.  I had a camshaft that "threw" two lobes.
Where did the metal go, you might ask?  Through the lubrication system -
sump pump, bearings, rocker shaft.  While the metal flowed through the
system, it scored any metal surface that came in pressurized contact with
oil.  What a mess.

Rather than using just 12 inches of clearance, I would place the car safely
on jack stands, remove the sump pan, and give the lower end a good, thorough
going over.  While you have it all open, I would at least plan on replacing
the bearing shells - keeping in mind that if you find any scoring on crank
journals, it's time to pull the engine.  Trust me, you will be happier after
doing this.  The expense will give you clear piece of mind - if it is

If you do pull the engine, well, why not redo the engine bay, and maybe redo
the interior, then just pull the tub, and then redo the full suspension -
just to refurbish everything.  While you are at it, how about redoing the

Now you know how I began down the road I'm on.  However, I keep telling
myself that the TR6 will be all the better for it.  I also keep telling
myself that I will be all the better for it.  Of course, while the car will
hopefully be better, I'm afraid that I am a lost cause.

In all seriousness, Frank should at least plan on replacing the bearing
shells while he has the lower end of the engine open.  He will sleep better
at night.

----No slams intended, just a humorous look at shipwrights disease----

'76 TR6  CF52678U   -- It will be done for VTR 2001, I promise!

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