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Re: Dampfree (?) storage

To: TR Newsgroup <>, John Macartney <>
Subject: Re: Dampfree (?) storage
From: Gary & Priscilla Klein <>
Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2000 21:38:28 -0500

The inflatible bubbles I've seen here in the states only have a dust
filter and a small fan to keep the bubble inflated.  They sell for
around $300.  I don't see how these models could be used to keep the
dampness under control.  Perhaps you guys have a different model?


President, TRiumphs Around the Chesapeake, TRAC

> Friends - some feedback if you can.
> I've just had an unexpected little surprise of a sum of money hurtling

> at me with my name on it. Usually, its going in the other direction!
> Among other things, this means that the final expenditure in finishing

> 'Canley Girl' can proceed rather sooner than I'd dared hope. Part of
> this is going to be paint. When its all finished I'd like to ensure as

> far as possible that blemishes are kept to a minimum and this could be

> a prob with winter storage as I don't have the garage I'd like to
> have.
> Does anyone have any experience or first-hand knowledge of what are
> known in the UK as "Car-Coons?" Basically, its a large inflatable bag
> the car sits inside and has a small 12v fan running through a mains
> adaptor. Its alleged to be damp proof and keeps the car absolutely dry

> with minimal internal humidity.
> Jonmac

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