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RE: window seals and TOTT?

To: "'Musson, Carl'" <>, "'Boothroyd, Frank'" <>,
Subject: RE: window seals and TOTT?
From: "Westerdale, Bob" <>
Date: Thu, 9 Nov 2000 10:08:26 -0500
or perhaps  " Tell Only The Truth?"
B Westerdale
-----Original Message-----
From: Musson, Carl []
Sent: Thursday, November 09, 2000 9:44 AM
To: 'Boothroyd, Frank';
Subject: RE: window seals and TOTT?

I thought it was  "To Old To Tell"

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Boothroyd, Frank []
> Sent: Thursday, November 09, 2000 9:41 AM
> To:
> Subject:      window seals and TOTT?
> Hi folks.  Am I being original?  Am I the first person to make an acronym
> out of "Tricks Of The Trade"?  Probably not, but regardless - does anyone
> know the TOTT for getting window seals put on the doors of a TR6?  I
> ordered
> in the new seals and the new clips and thought (silly me) that
> installation
> would be easy.  It ain't - not for my less than agile fingers.  I've
> removed
> the windows from the doors thinking that would help (I needed to anyway so
> I
> could rejuvenate the window roller-up/down mechanism thingies) and their
> removal does give me more space to work - but it also means (I think) the
> windows won't go back in.  And I'm not hanging curtains there.
> So any advice?  Any TOTT? (as you can tell, I'm rather proud of the
> acronym!)  Do the clips go on the door first then slide the seals in?  Or
> are the clips put on the seals first?  Does one lubricate and/or use a
> special BL Door Seal Installation Tool ($95.00 NOS)?
> (and what's the address for the archives that I understand are now up
> again
> and running?).
> Thanks for any assistance/insights/opinions/TOTT you can offer.
> Frank
> 73 TR6 

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