If someone has good answers to this please post them to the list. I have
the same problem as Gary (glass seems too small, gasket seems too thin),
and I did take it to a glass installer. I asked for no goop but never got
around t dealing with it so am glad for this reminder.
Jim TS81417
.....for the second time, I ripped the gasket. I also noticed that the
windshield seems a little small for the frame, is this typical?
Is there anything out there besides the rubber/tar like seal that TRF sells?
Can I use a black silicon or something similiar. If anybody has an alternate
suggestion or a proven technique to install the windshield please let me know.
As you can tell by my questions, I'm quite frustrated with this problem. I
may just pack it in and bring it to an automotive glass installer.
Gary Bouffard
59 TR3A TS 58399 (needs glasses)