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Pro blend - 40 below

To: "Triumph List" <>
Subject: Pro blend - 40 below
From: "John Macartney" <>
Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2000 21:21:28 +0100charset="iso-8859-1"
UK temperatures ranges are by no means as severe as other parts of the world 
but I'm a bit
concerned at what looks like a pour-in cure for overheating.
While some may claim with reason that they've done everything they can to 
ensure optimum
cooling, maybe its worth repeating some simple techniques in 2 stages that can 
make a
substantial improvement.

Stage 1
1. Reverse flush radiator with a high pressure hose
2. Do same to engine with stat removed
3. Apply very high pressure blast to radiator from the rear to purge 
accumulated flies and
whatever else has gone in there. Taking rad off the car is really the only 
4. Ensure water pump is working properly

Stage 2
5. Pour in a proprietary de-scaler and run the car around for a few days to 
ensure the
heat and purging effect of chemicals do their work
6. Reverse flush again as in 1 and 2 above. See how much crud comes out and try 
to compare
the water flow-rate before and after treatment.
7. Fit an electric fan if originality isn't too much of an issue.

Not so sure whether running without a thermostat is such a good idea. I've run 
engines in
very hot climates with very cold t'stats and the overall performance seemed 
better with,
than without.

Just my 02's worth


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