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Re: Shabby chrome query

To: " TR list" <>
Subject: Re: Shabby chrome query
From: TeriAnn Wakeman <>
Date: Tue, 12 Sep 00 07:44:08 -0700
>Or would you folks see my silver-painted luggage rack from a mile away and
>point and laugh and shout rude things at me?  Would I become infamous on
>this list?  Some kind of LBC-molester?
>Thanks for your opinions.

First of all it is your TR6 and that gives you the right to do anything 
with it you please.

Second I hope you have a stonger core of self worth than to be dependant 
upon this list for your self value. Us listers can resemble a school of  
Great White sharks at feeding time on occasion.  SO do what feels right 
for you.  Besides you can always change your mind later.  Paint can come 
off.  The question is what looks better to you, your rack as finished 
maybe after a bit of polishing, your rack painted or your car without the 
rack installed untill you get the money ahead to get it properly 

I have the factory style luggage rack for my TR3.  The rack has been 
polished then waxed.  It is storred inside in a dry location until I wish 
to use it.  Then it comes out and is placed on the car. It gets 
repolished and a new coat of wax before going back into storrage. I do 
this to keep the finish nice for as long as possible.  Of course now with 
luggage on the rack, you don't see much of the rack anyway.

So do what feels right for you.


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